
Quality Policy

The Objective of Paragon General Contracting is to achieve and exceed client requirements in relation of civil construction.

In order to achieve this objective, the company will maintain an effective and efficient Quality Management System based upon the requirements of ISO 9001.

Monitor and measure the effectiveness of its business processes and objective through Management Reviews and the internal Audit Process.

Monitor customer satisfaction annually by direct contract reviews and set objective for continual improvement and proactively seek feedback from clients on how well its products/services meet their requirements. Analyze the cause of any complaint or problem and take appropriate action to prevent recurrence.

Select and work closely with suppliers who enable the company to create and deliver a reliable performance. Recruit employees who are customer focused and support them with appropriate training and systems to ensure their competence always meets the company’s requirements.

Provide a work environment that promotes the well being of its employees, and encourage positive teamwork.

Encourage all employees to identify problems and make suggestions to improve all aspects of the company’s services and business processes.

Ensure that PGC complies with all necessary regulatory and legal requirement

This policy will be displayed in prominent places throughout the organization so that every employee shall have a clear understanding of the policy requirements and their required support and commitment.